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Frau am Hafen | © Claudia Behrend

Skilled Labour



The economy in Bremerhaven encompasses various core sectors such as harbours and logistics, fish and food, maritime technologies including specialised shipbuilding, renewable energies and environmental technologies as well as research and development. Each of these sectors requires specialised skills and knowledge in order to be successful. The availability of skilled labour in Bremerhaven is therefore essential for the development of the location in order to ensure competitiveness, innovation and growth.

The BIS Bremerhaven Economic Development Company supports companies in their search for skilled workers by providing information on a range of different services and offerings from providers in the labour market and by enhancing the attractiveness of the location with its own projects. The latter include, for example, the creation of a location brand, the provision of information on the location as a place to live and work, and the Dual Career Service.


Dual study programme

Partnerships with regional companies attract great interest Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences offers two practically oriented dual study programmes, Food Technology/Food Economics, and Business Administration, which provide students with a future career as specialists or managers in the region. The university has now gained another cooperation partner from the world of business in Seier GmbH.

Internship Week 2023

Summer work experience at the seaside Introducing Bremerhaven school pupils to the companies in the seaside city and retaining them as specialists early on in their careers is another key objective of the Bremerhaven Economic Development Agency. The BIS not only takes care of applications for the Internship Week, but is also able to gain its own experience.

Collaborative training

Looking beyond one’s own workplace Getting to know a wide range of job opportunities during their training – this is what many apprentices want. Three hotel companies in Bremerhaven have joined forces to offer a particularly attractive and varied apprenticeship programme.

New Work

Reshaping the world of work: Freedom, independence and participation in the community are central values of “New Work”. Our events, such as the Business Dialogue Bremerhaven, address such current and cross-industry topics and provide valuable impetus.

Simply authentic – Bremerhaven residents share how they view their city

A rooftop loft, a black polo-neck jumper, vegan superfood and at least one soy latte to go every day: this is how many people picture urban life.

But what if your hard-earned monthly wages – especially at the beginning of your career – are not enough for stylish clothes, a spacious flat or cool drinks? Simply change your perspective and take a closer look at what really counts when it comes to living a carefree life in the big city.

Job placement, apprenticeships and qualification

The BIS Bremerhaven Economic Development Company works closely together with the employment agency’s service for employers to assist with the foundation and relocation of companies, expansion plans and individual projects. 

There are also numerous private employment agencies in the Seaside City and the BIS Bremerhaven Economic Development Company supports the expansion of higher education. The university and the scientific institutions based in Bremerhaven focus on business-related apprenticeships, which are firmly rooted in Bremerhaven’s economic structure. The existing training and qualification centres respond flexibly to the needs of the economy.

An overview of the services available regarding job placement, mediation, apprenticeships and advanced training, job and apprentice fairs as well as the topic of foreign labour can be found in this short guide:

Menschen unterhalten sich miteinander | © WFB/Jan Rathke

Regular get-together for HR managers

Every two to three months, the Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe and WFB Economic Development Company Bremen invite HR managers to a get-together. This regular event is a platform for discussing current topics and challenges and for providing policy-makers and administrators with valuable ideas on how to support local companies in their recruitment, retention and development of staff. Participation is free of charge.

Learn more
Mann und Frau | © Aheads/istock

Dual Career Service

The "Dual Career Service" is a free service for companies in Bremen and Bremerhaven, which uses an exclusive network to help find a suitable job in Bremen or Bremerhaven for a partner in the event of an imminent change of job, and also provides marketing and communication managers and HR managers with offers, information and material for recruiting staff in the toolbox for employers to highlight the advantages of Bremerhaven and Bremen.

Learn more

FUNDING programs

Diversity in Unternehmen

Mit der FEI-Förderung "Diversity in KMU" sollen Strategien diverser Personalstrukturen in Unternehmen unterstützt werden. Ziel ist zudem die Entwicklung von Arbeitswelten, wo unterschiedliche Talente, Perspektiven und Kompetenzen interdisziplinär zusammenkommen können sowie die Reduzierung von Gender Gaps.

Compatibility of family and career

The website of the Federal Employment Agency provides detailed information on topics relating to work-life balance for employees. Here, for example, interested parties can find interesting information about returning to work, support services or working time models.

The employment promotion center in the state of Bremen (afz) offers an individual and comprehensive advice program especially for women with its coordination and advice center “Zukunft im Beruf” (ZiB).

The Bremen Chamber of Commerce - IHK for Bremen and Bremerhaven - provides information and advice on topics such as “part-time training” in order to give single parents and young parents in particular the opportunity to undertake vocational training.

Good Work

Under the heading “Good Work”, various institutions in the state of Bremen support companies in contributing to both an attractive labor market and a sustainable location.

Inklusives Bremerhaven

“Spanning a net that carries everyone, with tight meshes that don't let anyone fall through” - this is the approach that the Inklusives Bremerhaven Network has taken on board. The aim is not only to remove barriers in a structural sense, but also to change people's mindsets. The aim of the network is to promote a self-determined and equal life for all people in society in Bremerhaven, to convey an appreciation of diversity, to abolish barriers and to enable equal rights for all.

Integrationsfachdienst Bremerhaven

In der Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung schlummert noch viel Potenzial für die Gewinnung von Arbeits- und Fachkräften. Mit einer durchdachten Einarbeitung, offener Kommunikation und passenden Hilfsmitteln können Menschen mit Behinderung ihr volles Potenzial entfalten.

Der Integrationsfachdienst unterstützt betroffene Arbeitnehmer:innen bei der Suche nach Arbeit oder in einem bestehenden Arbeitsverhältnis und Betriebe bei der Personalgewinnung.