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Forschungsschiff im Eis | © AWI/ Stefan Graupner


A science metropolis on the North Sea


Discover the fascinating world of science in Bremerhaven, where the maritime character of this business hub meets a unique research landscape. Ten renowned institutions from the sectors of marine science, climate research, harbour management, maritime transport and logistics, wind energy and the food and fishing industries are developing innovative research projects right here on the coast.

Close collaboration with industry is of key importance, because promoting innovation in Bremerhaven and Bremen is at the top of the state’s political agenda – from the creation of the right infrastructure and the transfer of research results to the regional economy, to comprehensive financing and consulting services.

Frau schaut sich ein Schiff an | © Tim David-Müller Zitzke/Dennis Vogt

BREMERHAVEN IS "your science homtown"

“Your science hometown” - this is the motto of Bremerhaven's new social media campaign, because hardly anyone knows that Germany's most important research organizations are located in Bremerhaven and that the local economy benefits enormously from application-oriented cooperation. In addition, the scientific facilities and institutes are interesting employers for students, graduates and scientists.

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Prüfstand für Gondeln | © Fraunhofer IWES/ Jan Meier


The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) is taking a closer critical look at the largest rotating machines known to mankind: modern wind turbines. With its outstanding research infrastructure and a comprehensive testing portfolio, all the components of these turbines are subjected to intense testing in order to accelerate the development of innovative products and further improve quality standards.

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Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL)

The ISL Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics is one of Europe’s leading institutes for research, consulting and the transfer of knowledge in maritime logistics. Here, the experts prepare statistics and forecasts relating to global logistics, optimise processes in harbours and terminals, and research safety and environmental issues as well as the implementation of innovative technologies.


Klimahaus Bremerhaven

The Klimahaus Bremerhaven is a globally unique world of knowledge and experience on the topics of climate, climate change and weather and is a global pioneer as a climate experience world. Along the 8th longitude, visitors have the opportunity to go on a journey around the world and experience the Earth's climate zones up close in an exciting and impressive way.


German Emigration Center (DAH)

The German Emigration Centre (DAH) is not only an award-winning museum, but also a leading scientific institution. The DAH has over 70 dedicated staff working on migration research and building up an impressive collection that documents the history of emigration via Bremerhaven. In the summer of 2021, the Academy of Comparative Migration Studies (ACOMIS) was opened.


German Maritime Museum (DSM)

The German Maritime Museum (DSM) is a research museum that is part of the Leibniz Association. Since it was founded in 1971, it has developed into an extensive collection of historical artefacts relating to German shipping that is also of international relevance. The DSM is dedicated to the preservation, documentation, research and communication of these treasures. Around 100 members of staff and trainees are involved in the diverse relationships between people and sea in the past, present and future.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

The Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is known for its close ties to the maritime industry and its practice-orientated courses. Study programmes such as “Transportation Logistics”, “Wind Energy Technology” and “Food Technology/Food Economics” provide students with close links to local companies. For the skilled professionals of tomorrow!


Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)

The AWI is an internationally renowned research institute for polar and marine research and climate research. Around 800 people work at the main site in Bremerhaven. The AWI plays a central role in the up-and-coming research and development centre for the maritime industry in Bremerhaven. The Technology Transfer Office provides valuable support for innovations including everything from consulting to commercialisation, including patent applications and collaborations.


ttz Bremerhaven

The Technology Transfer Centre Bremerhaven (tt) is an independent research service provider and carries out application-oriented research and development. The ttz Bremerhaven is home to an international team of experts working under the motto “Research for a better quality of life” in the food and resource efficiency sectors.


DLR Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures

The DLR Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures was founded in Bremerhaven in 2017. Focussing on maritime safety and security, its more than 50 staff work on protecting harbours, sea routes, offshore facilities and ships. The institute has three main missions: strengthening the resilience of maritime infrastructures, situational awareness, and societal aspects of safety and security research.


Centre for Aquaculture Research (ZAF)

The Centre for Aquaculture Research in Bremerhaven specialises in the research and development of sustainable aquaculture methods and technologies. It focuses on the breeding and rearing of fish, mussels, crustaceans and other aquatic organisms under controlled conditions in order to achieve sustainable and efficient food production from the water. Aspects such as animal health, feed efficiency, environmental impact and profitability are all taken into account.


Thünen Institutes of Sea Fisheries and Fisheries Ecology

The Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries carries out research into the ecological and economic foundations for the protection of fish stocks and ecosystems in the North Sea and the North Atlantic. The Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, on the other hand, is dedicated to the marine environment, biodiversity and aquaculture. Together, the two institutions have been shaping a sustainable future for marine resources and innovative solutions for aquaculture at the Fishery Harbor since 2018.


Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems in Bremerhaven plays a pivotal role in securing investments in technological developments in the wind energy sector. Using innovative measurement techniques, the institute shortens innovation cycles, accelerates certification processes and increases planning accuracy. As a research partner for companies worldwide, IWES Nordwest is a true leader in its field.


Fraunhofer IWES

Wind energy and hydrogen expertise come together: Increased availability of renewable energies and an efficient power grid of the future.



Scientists are exploring the Arctic, Antarctic and the coasts and seas of temperate latitudes. The innovative research vessel "Uthörn" with a low-emission methanol propulsion system is used for this purpose.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Developers for hydrogen applications and mobility experts.


Pier of science

As a network, Pier der Wissenschaft unites scientific and cultural institutions in the city of Bremerhaven. Together they pursue the goal of making the different scientific work fields in Bremerhaven more visible while also emphazing their great importance. In addition to events, networking and cooperation projects, a blog is being operated.


Head of business development

Dr. Saskia Greiner