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Abbildung des zukünftigen Hallengartens im neuen Stadtteil Werftquartier | © Cobe

Green Economy

Going GREEN into the future here


Against the backdrop of resource scarcity and climate change, sustainable economic activity is a crucial task for the future that is firmly anchored in the mission statement of BIS Bremerhaven Economic Development Company. However, economic sustainability can only succeed if social and ecological aspects are taken into account alongside aspects such as profit maximization.

BIS focuses on supporting companies in the transformation to sustainability, creating sustainable commercial space and promoting research and development in the field of renewable energies. Many companies in Bremerhaven have already embarked on a green path and are actively contributing to the green economy. Together, we are shaping a sustainable future for our city.

Luftbild mkt geplanten Häusern im Gewerbegebiet | © BIS / urbanegestalt Part GmbB


The impressive, sustainable LUNEDELTA business park is being built in Bremerhaven in the immediate vicinity of the largest nature reserve in the state of Bremen. The future showcase project is located on an area of around 150 hectares and will meet the highest standards of sustainable construction. Already pre-certified with the platinum award of the German Sustainable Building Council, LUNEDELTA is aimed at (existing and future) companies in the green economy as well as pioneers of sustainable business and anyone who wants to become one.

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Gebäude mit vielen Fenstern | © BIS/Partner und Partner Architekten

business incubator

Have you heard of the phrase "De Tokamen Tiet"? Sounds like the beginning of a new era, doesn't it? The Low German name is the perfect term for the planned new business incubator in Bremerhaven. It's all about the coming age, sustainable business and innovative companies. With its energy-efficient design, the start-up center and project of Bremerhavener Entwicklungsgesellschaft Alter/Neuer Hafen mbH (BEAN) will be a driving force for an exciting future.

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Wasserstofftank | © Aheads/ AdobeStock

green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is not only a key element of the energy transition, but also a strong driver for the economy of the maritime city. With renowned climate research institutes, an extensive network and leading sustainability research facilities, Bremerhaven is already well positioned in the field of sustainability and climate protection. Scientific expertise in the field of hydrogen has been expanded in recent years through a wide range of project experience, such as research into the use of fuel cells on ships. But this is just the beginning! The aim is to become the leading test region and competence center for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the north.

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An attractive labor market is an important prerequisite for a sustainable location. For this reason, companies in the state of Bremen are supported by various institutions in making their contribution to an attractive labor market.

Take advantage of grants, favorable loans and targeted consulting services from the various funding programs. On the one hand, your company will benefit from this offer, and on the other, you will contribute to the development of a modern working environment with motivated employees.


The aim of the Inclusive Bremerhaven network is to promote a self-determined and equal life for all people in society in Bremerhaven, to convey appreciation for diversity, to remove barriers and to enable equal rights for all.

In 2019, the foundations for the network were laid at two major inclusion conferences in Bremerhaven. A total of 150 people from all walks of life and working environments developed project ideas on the topic of an inclusive city.

In the working groups, projects and campaigns on the topics of work, housing/living/neighborhoods, barriers and leisure and culture in Bremerhaven are being developed and further elaborated.  

fouding programs

Economic development focuses on targeted support for sustainable projects and business start-ups. Innovative programs and measures support founders in assuming ecological and social responsibility.

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