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Schiffskette liegt vor dem Hafenbecken | © Heiko Sandelmann


Valuable asset for companies


Bremerhaven's diverse networks are a valuable asset for local companies and are particularly appreciated, as they help to further shorten distances in the seaside city and jointly promote the business location.
As a member or participant in informative (network) events, you will meet highly competent contacts from business, science, politics, administration and other social institutions. As an active part of the networking landscape in Bremerhaven, the BIS Bremerhaven Economic Development Company promotes the exchange between local companies, start-ups, cultural and creative professionals, highly qualified specialists and many other stakeholders.
Our event information on this website, our social media presence on LinkedIn and Instagram as well as the overview of existing networks can help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals and benefit from the many opportunities in Bremerhaven.


.kab – Kreativer Aufbruch Bremerhaven

The network .kab - Kreativer Aufbruch Bremerhaven shapes cultural and creative diversity in Bremerhaven and forms an interface between art and creative players and the city of Bremerhaven. It acts as a point of contact to bring artists, creatives and cultural professionals together in order to develop or support innovative projects and events. Together with companies, associations, projects and individuals, .kab contributes to the growth and shaping of Bremerhaven's cultural scene and creates a sustainable, collaborative cityscape through diverse networking and cooperation.


Abeking & Rasmussen

As a traditional and developer shipyard for innovative special shipbuilding, Abeking & Rasmussen makes it possible to reduce emissions and increase economic efficiency with hydrogen-based fuel.


Association of Industrial Engineers for Transportation (VdWT) e.V.

The Association specializes in representing the interests of industrial engineers in the field of transport. The association promotes professional exchange and organizes events, seminars and networking opportunities to share knowledge and experience in the field of transport and logistics in order to support the professional development of its members.


Association of Women Artists Bremen

The Association of Women Artists Bremen, GEDOK is an association for female artists and scientists from the fields of visual arts, music, multimedia and performance.



Scientists are exploring the Arctic, Antarctic and the coasts and seas of temperate latitudes. The innovative research vessel "Uthörn" with a low-emission methanol propulsion system is used for this purpose.



Hydrogen-based drives for refuse collection vehicles are the future. BEG is already using a refuse collection vehicle with an electric drive in the city.


Bremen Chamber of Commerce - CCI for Bremen and Bremerhaven

The Bremen Chamber of Commerce - CCI for Bremen and Bremerhaven promotes the interests of business in Bremen and Bremerhaven. It offers advice, information, education and training as well as seminars, workshops and consultation days.


Bremen Port Association

The Bremen Port Association (BHV) is an organization that represents the interests of the various players in Bremen's port sector. They act as voice for port operations, logistics companies and other relevant players in Bremen and Bremerhaven's port industry and promote and develop the region´s port industry, port security and port infrastructure.



The production and use of hydrogen are future topics for the climate neutrality of our ports. The greenports strategy pursues the goal of implementing a CO2-neutral port infrastructure in the ports of Bremen. The use of green hydrogen is essential for this.


Bremerhaven Bus

Hybrid buses have been in use since spring 2020. Seven hydrogen buses were put into operation in 2023. Further hydrogen-powered articulated buses are planned. Emission-free operation is ensured by green hydrogen, which is generated locally in Bremerhaven using wind energy.


Bremerhaven Interessengemeinschaft Nord (BIN) e.V.

The "Bremerhavener Interessengemeinschaft Nord (BIN) e.V." is committed to promoting and developing the north of Bremerhaven, primarily the districts of Leherheide, Speckenbüttel and Weddewarden. The focus lies on the entrepreneurial interests and real estate matters of its members.


Bremerhaven Interest Group North (BIN)

BIN is committed to maintaining and improving the quality of life in the north of the city and the interests of its members. In particular, it is represented in all business matters, but also in real estate matters, for example.


Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Developers for hydrogen applications and mobility experts.


Brüssel & Maass

The future use of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in deep-freeze truck transportation is being pursued.


Business Professional Women (BPW)

BPW is one of the largest networks for female entrepreneurs and working women worldwide. The network is committed to supporting women at all hierarchical levels and in all sectors in developing their professional potential.


Climate House Bremerhaven

It is a globally unique world of knowledge and experience on the topics of climate, climate change and weather and is a global pioneer as a climate experience world. The Klimahaus operates central climate and sustainability communication and will raise awareness of climate protection and the energy transition even more in future with new offers.



Clubverstärker sees itself as the mouthpiece of live music venues and live music organizers with cultural-social aspirations in Bremen and the surrounding area.


Competence Center for Cultural and Creative Industries

The Competence Center is the central point of contact for the cultural and creative industries in Germany. It provides information on the latest developments in the sector and demonstrates the added value of innovative ways of thinking and methods from the cultural and creative industries for other sectors.


DEHOGA Bremen Bremerhaven e.V.

As an employer and professional organization, DEHOGA represents the interests of the hotel and catering industry in Bremen and Bremerhaven, particularly in relation to politics and state institutions. It focuses on topics such as labor market and collective bargaining policy, training and further education, law and taxes as well as environmental protection and copyright law.


Disposal companies Bremerhaven

Sweepers with hydrogen-based drives are an example of climate neutrality in municipal transportation.



Energiekonsens ist eine gemeinnützige Klimaschutzagentur für das Land Bremen. Sie beraten Unternehmen, Einrichtungen und Privatpersonen, wie sie ihren CO₂-Fußabdruck mit Hilfe von erneuerbaren Energien, Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen und nachhaltigen Verhaltensweisen optimieren können.



Ambitious provider of engineering and production services for hydrogen technology, a sensible future market.



Launch the world's first permanent hydrogen train service in summer 2022 with the Coradia iLint hydrogen train.


Federal Association of the Mobile Fish Delicatessen Trade e. V.

The Federal Association of the Mobile Fish Delicatessen Trade e. V. represents the interests of companies in the mobile sale of fish and seafood products. The association is committed to the promotion and regulation of the fish industry, supports its members in legal and business matters and promotes the exchange of experience within the industry in order to increase the quality and professionalism of the mobile fish delicatessen trade. E-mail: bmf-bremerhaven@t-online.de


Female entrepreneurs network for Bremerhaven and the surrounding area

The Female Entrepreneurs Network supplements the existing offers for female founders, entrepreneurs and freelancers/artists. At meetings that take place regurlarly, each participant is given the opportunity to briefly introduce herself and her company or business idea.


FFCC - Female Founder Coffee Club Bremerhaven

Do you want to start your own business in Bremen or Bremerhaven or have you already successfully launched one? The Female Founders Coffee Club offers the opportunity for an open exchange with female founders and entrepreneurs over coffee and fresh croissants. The Female Founders Coffee Club Bremerhaven takes place every third Monday of the month.


Food and Beverage Industry Bremen (NaGeB) e.V.

The association Food and Beverage Industry Bremen (NaGeB) e.V. represents the interests Bremen’s and Bremerhaven’s food industry. The NaGeB promotes the exchange between companies, provides support for industry-specific challenges and acts as a network in the region. Its focus is on topics such as quality assurance, innovation, digitalization and joint projects in order to strengthen the overall competitiveness of Bremen’s and Bremerhaven’s food and beverage industry.


Fraunhofer IWES

Wind energy and hydrogen expertise come together: Increased availability of renewable energies and an efficient power grid of the future.


German Climate Foundation

It stands for climate protection through education and carries out numerous educational projects for all age groups every year. In future, it will be the central point for processing scientific information on the energy transition and climate protection.


German Logistics Association (BVL) - Weser-Ems regional group

German Logistics Association (BVL) is an open network of people who actively promote efficient cooperation in the globalized economy. Its core objective is to communicate the importance of supply chain management and logistics - and to promote their application and development. BVL places particular emphasis on the exchange of knowledge and experience with other specialists and managers.



The logistics and transport service provider has been focusing on environmentally friendly vehicles for years and is following the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the heavy-duty sector.


Green Fuels GmbH

Bremerhaven start-up with ideas for the use of wind-hydrogen, logistics and mobility.


H2BX - The hydrogen pilots

The H2BX association focuses on providing information on the topic of hydrogen and acts as an independent network in Bremerhaven and the region. The association aims to communicate and present the enormous potential of hydrogen to people, companies, institutions and all parties interested in the topic.



The aim of the innovation network is to map the entire hydrogen value chain by networking the relevant players.


Haven-Net e.V. business association

The entrepreneurs' association Haven-Net e.V. is a network that promotes cross-industry exchange between entrepreneurs. It offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and resources through regulary held meetings, events and cooperation opportunities in order to strengthen and support local entrepreneurship in Bremerhaven. Business founders and start-ups are very welcome.



An electrolysis plant with a capacity of up to 2 megawatts and a hydrogen filling station in the immediate vicinity of the Bremerhaven Bus premises will ensure the supply of fuel cell buses for regular services from 2023.


Inclusive Bremerhaven initiative

The aim of the Inclusive Bremerhaven network is to promote a self-determined and equal life for everyone in Bremerhaven, to convey an appreciation of diversity, to remove barriers and to enable equal rights for all.


ISL Bremerhaven

Experts for transportation and logistics on water, rail and road. The focus is on CO2-neutral drives.


Kraeft Systemtechnik / HYDAC International

The company plans to develop and produce hydrogen fuel cells at the Bremerhaven site.


Kulturbahnhof Lehe

The Kulturbahnhof serves as a venue for regular (music) events of various styles. Rooms can also be used for music, photography and other artistic activities.


MAFI & TREPEL Technology

As a specialist in the production of industrial trucks for the transportation of heavy payloads, the company is planning to switch to alternative drive systems using fuel cells and hydrogen.


Marketing initiative of the Bremerhaven districts

The marketing initiative of Bremerhaven's districts is an association of the advertising communities of all districts and the city's relevant advertising organizations. It focuses on promoting cooperation between companies, retailers, creative artists and other stakeholders in order to ensure support for the city's tourism profile and image.


Marketing-Club Bremen e.V.

The Marketing-Club Bremen e.V. is a network of marketing experts and parties interested in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The club offers its members the opportunity to exchange information on current marketing trends and strategies and to receive further training. In addition, the Marketing-Club Bremen e.V. regularly organizes events such as lectures, workshops or seminars on various marketing-specific topics.


MCN Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V.

The association Maritimes Cluster Nothern Gemany (MCN) promotes and strengthens cooperation in the maritime industry across federal states. With its offices in Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, the association provides support in the search for innovation partners, provides information on funding programs and provides contacts in the maritime industry.


Musikszene Bremen

The association was founded to provide the music scene of Bremen with new rehearsal rooms. Now it's an association of musicians and cultural workers who offer creative exchange and help bands to find rehearsal rooms in Bremen.


National Association for the Performing Arts

The association represents the interests of the independent performing arts in the fields of dance, theater, performance, contemporary circus, puppet theater and theater in public spaces vis-à-vis politics and the public in Bremen.



Decarbonization of ceramic production by switching from natural gas to hydrogen, hydrogen-based fuel gas or electricity-powered kilns.


Partnership Environment and Business

The network Partnerschaft Umwelt Unternehmen consists of companies whose business activities show positive effect on the environment which can be quantified and verified in qualitative and quantitative terms. The partnership supports companies in Bremen and Bremerhaven in integrating sustainable business practices profitably into their everyday operations. Through networking, companies are encouraged to combine economic success, social responsibility and the protection of the environment and resources.


Pier of science

As a network, Pier der Wissenschaft unites scientific and cultural institutions in the city of Bremerhaven. Together they pursue the goal of making the different scientific work fields in Bremerhaven more visible while also emphazing their great importance. In addition to events, networking and cooperation projects, a blog is being operated.


POP Office Bremen e.V.

The POP Office Bremen offers the pop culture scenes in Bremerhaven and Bremen structural development, cooperation and promotion, as well as strengthening the public image of Bremen's music landscape.



At POWERHOUSE NORD, we bring together business, science, politics, administration and civil society. We strengthen, promote and create new collaborations and build the network of networks in the region. We are the drivers of the green energy transition in the region between the Ems and Elbe rivers. We have an abundance of clean electricity, available land, a well-developed logistics infrastructure and outstanding companies. This means we have everything we need today and in the future. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Quality Association for Fish and Fish Products e.V.

The QQuality Association for Fish and Fish Products e.V. is dedicated to ensure and promote the quality of fish products. It develops standards, guidelines and test procedures for the production, processing and marketing of fish products in order to ensure consumer protection and transparency. The association works closely with the fishing industry, food manufacturers and consumer protection organizations to ensure the highest quality standards in the fish industry.


School, Business and Science Network for the Lower Weser Region e.V.

The network focuses on cooperation between schools, businesses and scientific institutions in the Lower Weser region. The common goal: to teach young people about the region’s career opportunities at an early stage and be recruited as specialists for the region. The state of Bremen, the city of Bremerhaven and the district of Cuxhaven provide significant support for this regional alliance.


Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany(SEND)

The SEND network has set itself the goal of further strengthening the ecosystem in Bremerhaven and Bremen for social enterprises and sustainable business and creating good conditions for social entrepreneurs.


Social Impact Lab Bremen

The Social Impact Lab Bremen sees itself as a contact point for exchange and networking on the topic of sustainable start-ups and sustainable business in the federal state of Bremen.


Society Bremerhaven 1947 e. V.

Gesellschaft Bremerhaven 1947 e. V. is a non-profit association that promotes and exchanges knowledge and information about cultural, political, economic and scientific life in Bremerhaven. The association organizes cultural events such as concerts, readings and exhibitions and is a non-partisan and non-political association.


Stark am Strom

Im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes zur Vermarktung der Offshore-Windenergie wurde von den beteiligten Gemeinden, Städten und Landkreisen die Marke "Stark am Strom" entwickelt.



Starthaus Bremerhaven offers a wide range of services to support people wanting to start their own business or having recently founded one and are currently in their development phase. These include top-class and individual consulting, enriching event formats such as workshops and seminars and various other ways of support accompanied by a wide range of networking activities.



STÄWOG already offers its tenants electricity from its own CHP units. Projects for climate-neutral electricity and heat supply with hydrogen are in preparation and are an important step towards decarbonizing Bremerhaven's neighbourhoods.


swb / EWE

Hydrogen for storing renewable energy and use in particularly energy-intensive industries or in the transport sector. The pilot project is supplying the Bremen steelworks with green hydrogen.


WAB e.V.

Leading industry association and nationwide contact for the offshore wind industry, the onshore network in the northwest and promoter of the production of "green" hydrogen from wind power.


Weser ferry

The Weser ferry and MS Geestemünde already run on GtL as a transitional solution to CO2-neutral drives.


Wirtschaftsjunioren Bremerhaven (Junior Chamber Bremerhaven)

The Wirtschaftsjunioren Bremerhaven is an association of young entrepreneurs and managers who volunteer their time to further strengthen the economy in Bremerhaven. The association is part of the largest German network of entrepreneurs and executives, the Junior Chamber Germany and the international umbrella organization Junior Chamber International JCI.



In the wunderwerft network, Bremerhaven’s cooperation partners work together to improve the networking of work and trade on the Hafenstrasse as part of the traditional district Lehe. The wunderwerft has found a temporary home in the "Delphin-Apotheke and" wants to create incentives for businesses to settle on the Hafenstrasse, while providing comprehensive advice.


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