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Containerschiffe | © GfG/ Michel Iffländer

Pioneer in development and application

Maritime technologies in Bremerhaven

Navigating the Future: Bremerhaven as a Hub for Maritime Technologies

Shipbuilding has been one of the main pillars of Bremerhaven's economy and shipping industry for decades. Today, the shipyards concentrate on new building and ship repair, ship conversion and yacht building. They are characterized by a unique infrastructure of floating and dry docks. These companies also have great capacities and know-how for the construction of converter stations and other large-scale facilities required for the operation of offshore wind farms.

The maritime network in Bremerhaven futhermore includes a variety of specialised companies, particularly in electrical, plant and mechanical engineering, surface treatment, interior fittings and metal working as well as engineering and design.

For example, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), one of the world's leading research institutes known for its polar and marine research, is based in the Bremerhaven. As an essential partner and client for the marine technology industry in Bremerhaven, it makes a significant contribution to the development of sustainable solutions for the oceans‘ future with investments of more than 60 million euros annually.

Unterwasserfahrzeug | © Lianna Nixon/ AWI


From deep-sea research to the development of sustainable energy sources from the sea - Bremerhaven is and will always be a center of marine research and technology. Here, innovative solutions for the challenges of the oceans evolve. For example, researchers at the German Aerospace Center have developed the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) "Seekatze". Using state-of-the-art sensor technology, the ultra-modern device can scan deep-sea regions and measure environmental parameters.


Hardly any other port location offers such a broad spectrum of expertise as Bremerhaven. The direct connection to the North Sea creates ideal conditions for researching and utilizing marine resources.

Here, you will find renowned institutes and companies that are intensively involved in the development of innovative solutions and technologies for the maritime industry. Research institutions such as the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany facilitate close cooperation between science and business. With their expertise, they contribute to the development and optimization of ship technologies, offshore infrastructures and environmental protection measures.

In addition, service companies in Bremerhaven offer a wide range of services, from inspection and certification services, engineering and consulting to the development of customized logistics solutions. Bremerhaven is where pioneering research meets first-class services to let the maritime technology industry thrive.


The Maritime Technologies engineering study program in Bremerhaven trains future-oriented specialists and offers a comprehensive training in this specialist field. The proximity to the North Sea and the maritime environment provide an inspiring learning environment. Courses such as shipbuilding, ship technology and maritime logistics form a solid foundation, while topics such as project management, the power of innovation and sustainability set the sails for success. 

Close partnerships with companies and research institutions open doors to practical experience and exciting projects for students. This way, they are optimally prepared for the economy’s challenges and contribute to further development of the location as a competence center for maritime technologies.


Association of Industrial Engineers for Transportation (VdWT) e.V.

The Association specializes in representing the interests of industrial engineers in the field of transport. The association promotes professional exchange and organizes events, seminars and networking opportunities to share knowledge and experience in the field of transport and logistics in order to support the professional development of its members.


German Logistics Association (BVL) - Weser-Ems regional group

German Logistics Association (BVL) is an open network of people who actively promote efficient cooperation in the globalized economy. Its core objective is to communicate the importance of supply chain management and logistics - and to promote their application and development. BVL places particular emphasis on the exchange of knowledge and experience with other specialists and managers.


Bremen Port Association

The Bremen Port Association (BHV) is an organization that represents the interests of the various players in Bremen's port sector. They act as voice for port operations, logistics companies and other relevant players in Bremen and Bremerhaven's port industry and promote and develop the region´s port industry, port security and port infrastructure.


Head of business development

Dr. Saskia Greiner